Before the new year, here is the review that I should post half year ago. Hahaha.
This is megahouse figure again. And they are really MEGA size!
They are Angemon[エンジェモン]/Takeru[高石 タケル] & Angewomon[エンジェウーモン]/Hikari[八神 ヒカリ]
Hope you will enjoy.
You can see the other Megahouse review:
Taichi Yagami/Agumon 八神 太一/アグモン& Yamato Ishida/Gabumon 石田 ヤマト/ガブモン
Hikari Yagami/Tailmon 八神 ヒカリ/テイルモン & Takeru Takaishi/Patamon 高石 タケル/パタモン
Koushiro Izumi/Tentomon 泉 光子郎/テントモン & Mimi Tachikawa/Palmon 太刀川 ミミ/パルモン
Sora Takenouchi/Piyomon 武之内 空/ピヨモン& Joe Kido/Gomamon 城戸 丈/ゴマモン
Want to know more? Check it out now!
↓↓Click it for detailed information. Enjoy yourself!
Unboxing Video:
Review Video:

Again, they are come with brown transpotational box.
They are really, really huge.

This is Angemon.

This is Angewomon.

Both of them have very nice box art.

Comparing with the previous megahouse digimon figure, they are mega size!

Even the inner part have very nice design.

They are well protected by the plastic packaging.

This is the rod of Angemon.

Awesome wings!

Takeru and Angemon. They look really close.

Will anyone want this photo to be wallpaper?

Here is Angewomon. Her feather look fabulous!

And her symbolic sexy body.

The end of the wing is transparent and made by soft plastic.

And her high heels are awesome too.

Of course lovely Hikari face.

And the base come with Megahouse.

They share same scale with previous megahouse series.

Hikari is still same height.

With this amazing beatiful wings, of course we should have some special lighting effect.

Since their wings is made by transparent plastic, with strong light, it will be amazing!

They are as beauty as an art.

Here is how I light up their wings.

And the group picture of 4 of them.
Thanks for watching. Hope you enjoy!
Thanks for watching. Hope you enjoy!
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