Let's come up with the last Digimon Frontier I will show you this time.
This is Beetlemon(/Blitzmon), which digivolve from Spirits of Thunder[雷のスピリット].
The owner of the Spirits of Thunder is J.P. Shibayama(/Shibayama Junpei)[柴山 純平].
At this moment, you may view back my other Digimon Frontier figure review.
Agunimon, BurningGreymon, Lobomon, KendoGarurumon.
↓↓Click it for detailed information. Enjoy yourself!

Beetlemon is digivolving from human form of Spirits of Thunder[雷のスピリット-人形] with J.P. Shibayama(/Shibayama Junpei)[柴山 純平].

Front and back of Beetlemon.
In fact, there is not much transform factor in the spirit into digimon. They look similar.

Different from the other Digimon Frontier figure, Beetlemon has one more extra feature.
That is the wings can be divided. And you can see his shell and his wings.

And his shell can be taken off.

And Beetlemon can do leg split well!

All of them can do leg split too.

Close up of his face. As this is US version, the coloring details are not so well. But I think his already have a very good painting.

All the 5 spirits I get.

The 5 bases of the spirits. And their digimon form.

The approval form Bandai's product.(At the foot)
Thanks for watching. Hope you enjoy!
Thanks for watching. Hope you enjoy!
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